Reachingthe end to hit the beginning. It has been a looong journey. The Peak Performance Project is just about at a close, the results shared in about two weeks or so. I have the same feeling about it as I

 did at the start- the win itself was really in even getting into the top 20. The people I’ve met, the content learned and the strength I’ve recieved as an artist is all I could ever have hoped for. Not to sound like a Hallmark card, but it’s all in the journey isn’t it? (Cue long sorrowful string melody and the perserverant three legged puppy).

Of course, $100,000 dollars is nothing to sneeze at. The fate of a lucky band is resting in it, though each and every one of us has gained something immeasurable- I don’t want to speak for everyone but in this case I feel like I can. For me it has always been the daunting, intimidating nature of an industry that is so vast and so rapidly in flux that slows my jets. You think, “how am i ever supposed to navigate without a compass?”. This program has not only provided me with a compass, but with the extra tools I need to get from A to B. The majority of those tools are found nowhere but internally. Feeling capable is often all anyone needs to jumpstart an engine. Power is power is power- and it all starts in the interior landscape. Hallmark should pay me for this stuff.

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Aaaahh, Blog Gods, how are the mighty fallen….(actually scratch that, scratch that…in order for the “mighty” to fall they need to be “mighty” in the first place. I’m mighty in many ways but my blog-game could use some “might”, no?)
Annnnyhow…. Here we are, another Summer already seeming like nostalgia and another Fall comes a’ courtin. There is always something consoling about the change of a season, and this sly shift into Autumn after such a crazy summer is of particular importance to me. A little cool-down after running the engines too hot is always welcome in my book. Deep breath, pause, reboot. Plus I love sweaters and tea and tomato soup.
It’s now MORE than two weeks after returning from the illustrious Peak Performance Bootcamp (more…)

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Blog from Peak Performance Bootcamp



My sincere apologies to the Blog Gods… I have been a blogging deadbeat so far this trip… I know so many of us are hip to it and never let a moment pass without blogging about it. To be perfectly honest it’s hard to detach yourself from the experience of being in such a beautiful place! There’s so much to be doing and I haven’t felt much like staring at a computer screen… That being said- updates are key!! So from now on I’m gonna be much more on my blog game, Blog Gods…

So let me start with recent events first. Last night’s showcases were ALL fantastic- in fact EVERYONE’S showcase I’ve seen has been incredible- each band offers something, I’ve been impressed with everyone’s skills and presence and vibe in general… Even if you hear someone on a record it’s ALWAYS a new ballgame seeing them live. Now. A band that I’ve seen before and expected nothing but the best from, “The Boom Booms” performed last night. I had a hunch that they were gonna be game changers in this thing. And they were. The BIGGEST game changers. SUCH an incredible performance from each of them individually as well as collectively. SO inspiring to watch and not only that but they are just some of the most awesome and down to earth people you will ever meet. THANK YOU BOOM BOOMS. I could go on and on about you. But EVERYONE was wonderful don’t get me wrong! I think its safe to say though that they stood out. We would all agree….

Another beautiful day at RockRidge Canyon… I am so very blessed to be here. Recording my vocals today, since I am still fighting this stupid cold and couldn’t record the other night when the band got their parts down… Symptoms of a cold and spirit of a giddy child- I’m a happy girl. I’m literally sitting at the computers and looking down at the lake. There is a deer eating grass right next to it…..I’m in a storybook.

Gotta get to first seminar but I’ll turn the page later…xo

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Free Download: The Footwork EP



Ashleigh Eymann - The Footwork EPIt’s yours for free… my first official release.

The Footwork EP

Listen, Love, Download… and Share!


Download it using the sidebar on this page or directly from my Music page.

hope you like it.

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New Website!



I finally have a new website! What do you think?

Thanks to Brian Thompson from Thorny Bleeder for hooking me up :)


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